Get to know me!
So, you got on this page, maybe looking for travel insights or tips? Or just like looking at nice photos. So here’s a photo of me.
Ok joke, what I meant was my photography.
So to that let’s start from the beginning. My name is Melvern Liang Alianto, some people call me “Mel” others call me “Vern”. I don’t mind any at all. I was born in the town of Semarang, Indonesia in 2004.
I don’t exactly remember when I the passion for documenting things started, but I do remember being pretty interested and intrigued in cameras since I was a kid. I remember one time when I was out for a Wushu Competition one of my seniors brought his camera with him, and of course I asked whether I could borrow it.
That’s also one thing about me, since 2014 I have been training Wushu intensively, competing in multiple national tournaments and serving as International Commentators around the world. Some of my photographs are ones taken on those commentary job trips. So yes I am basically an athlete, and photography is just another field which I love as much as my sport.
So going back to the time where I borrowed my senior’s camera, I felt that operating the camera was very interesting and fun, also add on the fact that I could freeze time, no not just time but moments. So ever since, I have always been asking my mother for a camera, until it was my 16th birthday, I got permission to get myself a camera. I bought the Fujifilm X-T100 as my first camera.

Well for starters, the cam produced good images, here are some shots on it.

But overtime, I got more interested in videography and more specific color tones in my shots. So in 2023 I bought myself the Fujifilm X-T4. This camera has better video results, as it has F-Log, a profile to do heavy color grading, H.265 and 10bit color space, for the non video nerds, it basically means, more color range in short. Photography wise, I could save “Presets” or more commonly known as “Film Recipes.” Here I get to save seven different combination of in-camera settings to output a certain look, usually imitating those of the old film stock or roll be used to use several decades back. So with that I could do minimal editing and have really pleasant color or look to my images, or in short no edited images are already fire.

So these photos are all unedited, and straight out of camera. Pretty nice aren’t they? What do you think?
In the near future, I aspire to be a travel photographer and filmmaker, traveling our beautiful world, documenting and filming it, and on the way there, I will share my journey with you all.This blog and website is a media for me to share my experiences and lessons(if i do learn anything along the way) to the world, which might help you in your own travel planning or just for entertainment purposes.